Bradini Magically Teams Up With Santa
12/01/1993 OWASSO –
Santa Claus is coming to town, but it won’t be in the normal fashion. At 10 a.m. on Saturday, Bradini (Brad Evans) will make Santa magically appear at the Owasso Community Center. The jolly holiday man will be available for picture taking with your children from 10 a.m.-12 noon. Magic tricks and Santa are part of the upcoming “Magic, Illusions and Santa Claus Appearance” show performed by the local magician. Advance tickets are available from the Owasso Chamber of Commerce for $3.50 per person, or you can purchase your ticket at the door for $4 per person. You also can save 50 cents on the price of each ticket by donating one or more canned food items, which will be donated to the needy here. The magic and illusion show is complete with live doves, a rabbit and lots of audience participation. For information, call Bradini at 272-1651.